Local Provision

Blossom Avenue is currently offering The Bloom Programme in Ealing, Hillingdon and Hounslow and the surrounding areas.

Local and Nationwide referrals are still being accepted for the virtual course.

Are you interested in The Bloom Programme being delivered to the women you support? Would you like to attend a future Bloom Programme? Please do get in touch!


Blossom Avenue is thankful for all the inspiring women we have worked with and supported over the last year - through attendance at The Bloom Programme and engagement with the Support Line - it has been a real privilege and joy getting to know you!

We wish you a bright and fruitful year ahead full of adventure.. x

The Bloom Programme Workbook

We’re excited to announce that The Bloom Programme can be completed in three different formats: individually via a workbook, through attendance at virtual group sessions or through face-to-face delivery (when restrictions are lifted!). Our programme runs for up to seven sessions and is designed to help women achieve grown and fulfil their potential so please do get in touch for more info!

Reach Out

A reminder that the Blossom Avenue Support Line is still running for any women who may be feeling vulnerable or isolated and would like someone to talk to.

You may be feeling disheartened by the new restrictions that have been put in place or would just like a friendly chat. Blossom Avenue is here to offer support, encouragement and prayer.

Lines are open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10am - 4pm. The number to call is 078585 21000.

The Bloom Programme

It’s been lovely talking to the women who have called our Support Line during the global pandemic. We’ve had some great chats and received nice feedback about the positive impact support, encouragement and prayer can have on well-being.

Over the last few months, Blossom Avenue has been working on new ways to deliver The Bloom Programme and are excited to announce that our programme will also be available virtually from Autumn to support and encourage women. Please feel free to get in touch for more information!

Let's Talk

The Blossom Avenue Support Line is now open! Lines will be open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 4pm over the coming months for any vulnerable or elderly women who may be isolated at this time and would like someone to talk to.

The number to call for a friendly chat, encouragement or prayer is 078585 21000.

We look forward to hearing from you!

A Time To Come Together

Blossom Avenue is unfortunately unable to run the group programme at this time due to the current global pandemic. The well-being and safety of everyone is at the forefront of our mind.

As an alternative service for vulnerable and elderly women, Blossom Avenue will be running a support line from Wednesday 1st April 2020. Lines will be open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 4pm for any vulnerable or elderly women who may be isolated at this time and would like someone to talk to.

We look forward to offering a friendly chat, encouragement or prayer under these challenging circumstances. God Bless all and please stay safe x

A New Beginning

Blossom Avenue is very excited to be launching to support and encourage women from a variety of backgrounds, including those who have experienced involvement in the Criminal Justice System, Care Leavers and survivors of Domestic Abuse and Trafficking, as well as individuals who face substance misuse, mental health and homelessness issues.  Blossom Avenue believes that everyone can flourish with the right support, encouragement and motivation whatever their background may be.